Book: Spaceship Soul: A Spiritual Connection with the Divine

2 min read2 days ago
The paperback version of my book

Recently, Medium offered an author badge next to my name. This is the beginning of a new venture, and I am thankful for the opportunities it will volunteer.

I want to discuss my book: Spaceship Soul: A Spiritual Connection with the Divine. Well, on Planet Earth a handful of people are undergoing serious spiritual ascensions. It is the shattering of old belief systems. I don’t think merely knowing the terms helps you in any way in your journey. What I have addressed is the divine soul connection: Twin Soul. That helped me pick and put the broken puzzles of various ascension processes to reveal a pattern.

But please, beware!!

I am not a sugarcoated person who has talked about falsified and incorrect interpretations of this label. If you are a true spiritual seeker, my penned spiritual experiences will help you. I advocate only truthiness. Because, in that case, your life’s chariot is Lord Krishna or the Divine itself. It is only intended for serious seekers; who are ready to delve deeper into their inner flaws and heal their wounds. It is a great responsibility to start with Self-Healing, which automatically leads to Self-Improvement.

In today’s social media absurdity, I appreciate the truth-seekers. Because it is due to their innate curiosity, Mother Earth breathes a sigh of relief. I do not think Mother Earth’s wounds are lesser than the selfish desires or falsified ego-self. Only the true lover of nature and a truth seeker take and accept the bad traits; only to wish to transform for the better and authenticity.

For example:- A child-grown in a house, where the father is a liar and a manipulator. Right from an early age, the child questioned their belief systems. But the only words the child heard were: to grow and compete in this low-vibrational world, you must lie and falsify the facts. In the growing years, the child indirectly and unconsciously absorbs the narcissistic traits. The child met a person whom they liked. But their true inner self never allowed them to accept the love for the person. They have a wound, which requires treatment, acceptance and healing. So, Indirectly, self-healing is a journey for this child to help heal the father’s inner wounds.

From the example, I want to highlight the immense responsibility of a spiritual seeker. If in this example, the child ignores the inner voice and continues to outgrow the self-healing aspects, their inner turmoil could be substantive. Healing is an attribute of a true spiritual seeker, which is rewarded by the divine when they stand their rightfulness.

I attached the link to my book, if interested.

It is now available on Kindle as well as paperback

Till then, Happy healing!





My first book: I write where my intuition guides. Professionally, I am a young scientist in physics and a writer by heart.